The Making of the President
by Theodore White
Us and Them: How the Press Covered the 1972 Election
by James M. Perry
Campaign '72: The Managers Speak
edited by Ernest R. May, edited by Janet Fraser
The Boys on the Bus
by Timothy Crouse
Right From the Start
by Gary Hart
The Long Shot: George McGovern Runs for President
by Gordon L. Weil
Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72
by Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, with illustrations by Ralph Steadman
Diving Into the Wreck: Poems 1971-1972
by Adrienne Rich
Studies for an Actress and Other Poems
by Jean Garrigue
Sabbatai Sevi: The Mystical Messiah
by Gershom Scholem, translated by R.J. Werblowsky
by V.S. Pritchett
by Roland Barthes
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