
Death of a Salesman

The Making of the President

by Theodore White

Us and Them: How the Press Covered the 1972 Election

by James M. Perry

Campaign '72: The Managers Speak

edited by Ernest R. May, edited by Janet Fraser

The Boys on the Bus

by Timothy Crouse

Right From the Start

by Gary Hart

The Long Shot: George McGovern Runs for President

by Gordon L. Weil

Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72

by Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, with illustrations by Ralph Steadman

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Cutting the Marble

Diving Into the Wreck: Poems 1971-1972

by Adrienne Rich

Studies for an Actress and Other Poems

by Jean Garrigue

Bad Dreams


by Philippe Jullian, translated by Stephen Hardman

Mystery in History

Sabbatai Sevi: The Mystical Messiah

by Gershom Scholem, translated by R.J. Werblowsky

II: Underground Routes

The Ancient Theology

by D.P. Walker

III: Seeing the Invisible

The Rosicrucian Enlightenment

by Frances A. Yates

Balzac Possessed

“From then on the pattern was set: an immense and increasing load of debt arising from extravagance and speculation—Balzac only had to touch a stock for the bottom to drop out of the market—against which were mortgaged the plans and profits of novel after novel. He turned his hopes and disasters into fiction as he lived through them.”


by V.S. Pritchett


by Roland Barthes

Epic Overreach

Jason and Medeia

by John Gardner

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