
Epidemic Man

Plagues and Peoples

by William H. McNeill

The Narcissist Society

Decadence: Radical Nostalgia, Narcissism, and Decline in the Seventies

by Jim Hougan

Growing (Up) at Thirty-Seven

by Jerry Rubin

Three Journeys: An Automythology

by Paul Zweig

The Awareness Trap: Self-Absorption Instead of Social Change

by Edwin Schur

Borderline Conditions and Pathological Narcissism

by Otto F. Kernberg MD

Tough Guys

The Blue Hammer

by Ross Macdonald

The Family Arsenal

by Paul Theroux

Myths for Mothers

Of Woman Born: Motherhood as Experience and Institution

by Adrienne Rich

The Gutman Report

The Black Family in Slavery and Freedom, 1750-1925

by Herbert G. Gutman

The Mark of Bewick

Often neglected as a provincial craftsman, Thomas Bewick’s understanding of nature and his ability to represent it made him an artist in the fullest sense of the word.

A Memoir of Thomas Bewick: Written by Himself

edited by Iain Bain

Battle over Monty

Montgomery of Alamein

by Alun Chalfont

‘Intelligence’: The Constitution Betrayed

Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities

United States Senate

Poetry and Terror


by Seamus Heaney

The Ladies Vanish

The Doctor's Wife

by Brian Moore


by Claude Simon, translated by Helen R. Lane

Beard's Roman Women

by Anthony Burgess, with photographs by David Robinson

Moses: A Narrative

by Anthony Burgess

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