
The Partisan

Essays on Literature and Politics 1932-1972

by Philip Rahv, edited by Arabel J. Porter and Andrew J. Dvosin, with a memoir by Mary McCarthy

Hello and Goodbye

Murmurs of Earth: The Voyager Interstellar Record

by Carl Sagan and F.D. Drake and Ann Druyan and Timothy Ferris and Jon Lomberg and Linda Salzman Sagan

Spaceships of the Mind

by Nigel Calder

In the Center of Immensities

by Bernard Lovell, edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen

Looking Backward


by Anthony Burgess

The One That Got Away

The Flounder

by Günter Grass, translated by Ralph Manheim


Ways of Worldmaking

by Nelson Goodman

Slippery Fish

Conversations with Willie: Recollections of W. Somerset Maugham

by Robin Maugham

Papa Europe


by Jean Monnet, translated by Richard Mayne

Only Yesterday

A Good School

by Richard Yates

Lying Low

by Diane Johnson

American Prophet

The Radical Will: Randolph Bourne Selected Writings, 1911-1918

edited and with an introduction by Olaf Hansen, preface by Christopher Lasch

Solving the Correggio Problem

The Paintings of Correggio

by Cecil Gould

Culture as Protein and Profit

Cannibals and Kings: The Origins of Cultures

by Marvin Harris

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