The Mind's I: Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul
composed and arranged by Douglas R. Hofstadter and Daniel C. Dennett
Nuclear Culture: Living and Working in the World's Largest Atomic Complex
by Paul Loeb
Slavery and Freedom
by Willie Lee Rose, edited by William W. Freehling
The Enemy: A Biography of Wyndham Lewis
by Jeffrey Meyers
Fables of Aggression: Wyndham Lewis, the Modernist as Fascist
by Fredric Jameson
Irish Nationalism: A History of Its Roots and Ideology
by Sean Cronin
The Rise of Robert Millikan: Portrait of a Life in American Science
by Robert H. Kargon
Night Thoughts of a Classical Physicist
by Russell McCormmach
Enemy Colleagues: A Reading of the Salvadoran Tragedy
by Gabriel Zaid
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