
The Woman Who Rode Away

Trust Me: Short Stories

by John Updike


by John Updike

Not So Grand Strategy

Discriminate Deterrence: Report of the Commission on Integrated Long-Term Strategy

co-chaired by Fred C. Iklé and Albert Wohlstetter

Portrait of the Scientist as a Young Man

The Statue Within: An Autobiography

by François Jacob, translated by Franklin Philip

‘Here was a Caesar!’

The Education of Julius Caesar: A Biography, A Reconstruction

by Arthur D. Kahn


by Christian Meier

Neither Hope nor Glory

Au Revoir Les Enfants

a film directed by Louis Malle, screenplay by Louis Malle

Unfinished Business

Reconstruction: America's Unfinished Revolution, 1863–1877

by Eric Foner

The Caruso of Jazz

Sidney Bechet: The Wizard of Jazz

by John Chilton

Jazz Odyssey: The Autobiography of Joe Darensbourg

as told to Peter Vacher

Rahel’s ‘Jewish Sofa’

Jewish High Society in Old Regime Berlin

by Deborah Hertz

Jettchen Gebert

by Georg Hermann, edited by Dr. Bernhard Kaufhold

Big Shots

Trump: The Art of the Deal

by Donald J. Trump and Tony Schwartz


by T. Boone Pickens Jr.

Merger Mania: Arbitrage, Wall Street's Best Kept Money-Making Secret

by Ivan F. Boesky

Behind the Scenes: In Which the Author Talks About Ronald and Nancy Reagan…and Himself

by Michael K. Deaver, with Mickey Herskowitz

The Historian as Populist

Power and Culture: Essays on the American Working Class

by Herbert G. Gutman, edited by Ira Berlin

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