
Selective Affinities


by Milan Kundera, translated by Peter Kussi

The Ghost Opera

History of the American Cinema, Vol. 1: The Emergence of Cinema: The American Screen to 1907

by Charles Harpole general editor and Charles Musser

History of the American Cinema, Vol. 2: The Transformation of Cinema: 1907–1915

by Charles Harpole general editor and Eileen Bowser

History of the American Cinema, Vol. 3: An Evening's Entertainment: The Age of the Silent Feature Picture, 1915–1928

by Charles Harpole general editor and Richard Koszarski

Behind the Mask of Innocence: Sex, Violence, Prejudice, Crime
Films of Social Conscience in the Silent Era

by Kevin Brownlow

Early Cinema: Space, Frame, Narrative

edited by Thomas Elsaesser, edited by Adam Barker

Life to Those Shadows

by Noël Burch, translated and edited by Ben Brewster

The Missing Reel: The Untold Story of the Lost Inventor of Moving Pictures

by Christopher Rawlence

Babel and Babylon: Spectatorship in American Silent Film

by Miriam Hansen

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The ‘We’ Generation

Our Age: Portrait of a Generation

by Noel Annan

The Myth of Mao’s China

China Misperceived: American Illusions and Chinese Reality

by Steven W. Mosher

‘Nothing But a Writer’

Ford Madox Ford

by Alan Judd


by Barbara Belford

An Immodest Violet: The Life of Violet Hunt

by Joan Hardwick

Is Japan the Enemy?

The Coming War with Japan

by George Friedman and Meredith LeBard

Japan Versus the West: Image and Reality

by Endymion Wilkinson

The Rise of Modern Japan

by W.G. Beasley

Japan's Administrative Elite

by B.C. Koh

Japan's Expanding Role and Influence in the Asia-Pacific Region: Implications for US Interests and Policy

by Richard P. Cronin

Deepening Economic Linkages in the Pacific Basin Region: Trade, Foreign Direct Investment, and Technology

by Masaharu Hanazaki

White Paper on International Trade, 1990

by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Tokyo

Arming Our Allies: Cooperation and Competition in Defense Technology

by the US Office of Technology Assessment

Thoughts on US-Japan Security and Economic Linkages in East Asia

by Michael W. Chinworth

Kokusanka: FSX and Japan's Search for Autonomous Defense Production

by Michael J. Green

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Slouching Toward Bethlehem

Selected Poems

by Derek Mahon

Madoc: A Mystery

by Paul Muldoon

Mysteries of a Masterpiece

The Isenheim Altarpiece: God's Medicine and the Painter's Vision

by Andrée Hayum

The Devil at Isenheim: Reflections of Popular Belief in Grünewald's Altarpiece I/University of California Press

by Ruth Mellinkoff

Apes R Not Us

Through a Window: My Thirty Years with the Chimpanzees of Gombe

by Jane Goodall

Almost Human: A Journey into the World of Baboons

by Shirley C. Strum, foreword by George B. Schaller

How Monkeys See the World: Inside the Mind of Another Species

by Dorothy L. Cheney and Robert M. Seyfarth

Language and Species

by Derek Bickerton

Uniquely Human: The Evolution of Speech, Thought, and Selfless Behavior

by Philip Lieberman

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