by Dante Alighieri, a verse translation from the Italianby Robert Hollander and Jean Hollander
Dante: A Life in Works
by Robert Hollander
by R.W.B. Lewis
Hitchcock et l'Art: Coïncidences Fatales (Hitchcock and Art: Fatal Coincidences)
catalog of the exhibition edited by Dominique Païniand Guy Cogeval
The Hitchcock Murders
by Peter Conrad
Ben Katchor: Picture Stories
by Ben Katchor
Cheap Novelties: The Pleasures of Urban Decay
by Ben Katchor
Julius Knipl, Real Estate Photographer: Stories
by Ben Katchor
The Jew of New York
by Ben Katchor
Julius Knipl, Real Estate Photographer: The Beauty Supply District
by Ben Katchor
The Changing Faces of Jesus
by Geza Vermes
Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews: A Jewish Life and the Emergence of Christianity
by Paula Fredriksen
Masquerade: Dancing around Death in Nazi-Occupied Hungary
by Tivadar Soros, edited and translated from the Esperanto by Humphrey Tonkin, with forewords by Paul and George Soros
Saint-Simon and the Court of Louis XIV
by Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, with Jean-François Fitou, translated from the French by Arthur Goldhammer
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