Free Ride: John McCain and the Media
by David Brock and Paul Waldman
The Real McCain: Why Conservatives Don't Trust Him—and Why Independents Shouldn't
by Cliff Schecter
McCain: The Myth of a Maverick
by Matt Welch
Inside the Jihad: My Life with Al Qaeda, A Spy's Story
by Omar Nasiri
Architect of Global Jihad: The Life of al-Qaida Strategist Abu Mus'ab al-Suri
by Brynjar Lia
Jihad in Islamic History: Doctrines and Practice
by Michael Bonner
The Taliban and the Crisis of Afghanistan
edited by Robert D. Crews and Amin Tarzi
Koran, Kalashnikov, and Laptop: The Neo-Taliban Insurgency in Afghanistan
by Antonio Giustozzi
The Five Front War: The Better Way to Fight Global Jihad
by Daniel Byman
Winning the Right War: The Path to Security for America and the World
by Philip H. Gordon
an opera in three acts by Philip Glass, directed by Phelim McDermott, with stage design by Julian Crouch
Satyagraha: M. K. Gandhi in South Africa, 1893-1914
by Constance Dejong and Philip Glass
an opera by Philip Glass, performed by Douglas Perry, Claudia Cummings, Rhonda Liss, Robert McFarland, Scott Reeve, Sheryl Woods, and the New York City Opera and Chorus, conducted by Christopher Keene
Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness
by Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein
Eero Saarinen: Shaping the Future
an exhibition at the National Building Museum, Washington, D.C.,May 3–August 23, 2008; the Minneapolis Institute of Art and Walker Art Center, September 14, 2008–January 4, 2009; the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Washington University, St. Louis, Missou
Eero Saarinen: Buildings from the Balthazar Korab Archive
edited by David G. De Long and C. Ford Peatross
The Gateway Arch: A Reflection of America
a film directed by Scott Huegerich and Bob Miano, narrated by Kevin Kline
A Special Mission: Hitler's Secret Plot to Seize the Vatican and Kidnap Pope Pius XII
by Dan Kurzman
A Question of Balance: Weighing the Options on Global Warming Policies
by William Nordhaus
Global Warming: Looking Beyond Kyoto
edited by Ernesto Zedillo
Lenin's Private War: The Voyage of the Philosophy Steamer and the Exile of the Intelligentsia
by Lesley Chamberlain
Fortress Besieged
by Qian Zhongshu, translated from the Chinese by Jeanne Kelly and Nathan K. Mao, with a foreword by Jonathan Spence
The Cost of Counterterrorism: Power, Politics, and Liberty
by Laura K. Donohue
Executive Measures, Terrorism and National Security: Have the Rules of the Game Changed?
by David Bonner
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