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Best of The New York Review, plus books, events, and other items of interest
February 27, 2025
Current Issue
Carolyn Lieberg
How Did Primo Levi Die?: An Exchange
Burt Neuborne
Campaign Finance and the Court
Albion M. Urdank
How Hitler Won Power
Morris Dickstein
Michael Walzer’s Lecture
Noam Chomsky, et al.
An Open Letter in Support of Jason Rezaian
The Editors
Helen Vendler in New York
Jana Prikryl
Thirty Thousand Islands
Henri Cole
The Rev. William J. Teska
‘The Pope & the Market’: An Exchange
Charles Simic
Swept Away
Adam Fitzgerald
Hyundai Sonata in D Major
A.E. Stallings
Wendell Berry
‘What’s Wrong’ with the Economy?
Raphael Rubinstein
Art & Skepticism
Guillaume Apollinaire
Sajay Samuel
Outrageous Universities
Christopher Moore
Was Plato ‘Churlish’?
Frederick Seidel
Epithalamion for Stein and Stein
Marilynne Robinson
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Murder in Mexico: An Open Letter
Christina Spiesel
The Bugged Classroom
Bayard H. Brattstrom
Lizards in the Park
Sara Lipton
Nasty Images of Jews
Karl Kirchwey
Fiumicino, Morning
Lawrence Lessig
Should We Convene?
Michael Benson
What Astro Images Do
Peter Singer
What’s Left Hanging?
Henry Wassermann
Murders & Massacres from Both Sides
Garry Wills
One Black Face
Michael Massing
Digital Journalism: How Good Is It?
Remembering Elaine’s
Joshua P. Cohen
Who Pays the Doctor?
Marianne Boruch
Once Made of Feathers and an Ounce of Blood
C.K. Williams
Dear Reader
Jefferson Morley
The Passions of John Quincy Adams
W.S. Merwin
To the Knife
Early One Morning
Kevin Di Camillo
A Door For Catholic Women
Ben L. Kaufman
Black & White Zambia
Jynne Dilling Martin
What Breaks First
Dr. Ismail Salami
‘Shakespeare in Tehran’
France Now
Elise Partridge
X, a C.V.
Alexander Nicoll
Reality vs. ‘The Imitation Game’
John Balaban
After the Inauguration, 2013
John G. Stewart
The Truth About Selma: An Exchange
The White Labyrinth
John Ashbery
Be Careful What You Wish For,
Carol E. Tracy
‘Rape on Campus’
The Bird on the Crocodile’s Back
Gordon Black
What Happened in Poland?: An Exchange
S.T. Joshi
The Judgment of Lovecraft
Jonathan Galassi
Greetings, Friends!
Susan Gubar, et al.
Gaps in the Food Chain
Sheldon Harnick
Choreography on the Roof
Naomi Klein
‘Can Climate Change Cure Capitalism?’: An Exchange
Nancy Gertner
‘Why the Innocent Plead Guilty’: An Exchange
Arnold Packer
‘What’s the Matter with Economics?’: An Exchange
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