Frank: A Life in Politics from the Great Society to Same-Sex Marriage
by Barney Frank
The Life of Saul Bellow: To Fame and Fortune, 1915–1964
by Zachary Leader
There Is Simply Too Much to Think About: Collected Nonfiction
by Saul Bellow, edited by Benjamin Taylor
Portraits of the Soul
an exhibition at the Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, November 6, 2014–February 8, 2015
Bernini: Roma y la Monarquía Hispánica [Bernini: Rome and the Spanish Monarchy]
Catalog of the Prado exhibition by Delfín Rodríguez Ruiz
Bernini’s Beloved: A Portrait of Costanza Piccolomini
by Sarah McPhee
Barocco a Roma: La Meraviglia delle Arti [The Baroque in Rome: The Wonders of Art]
an exhibition at the Fondazione Roma Museo, Palazzo Cipolla, Rome, April 1–July 26, 2015
Bernini at Saint Peter’s: The Pilgrimage
by Irving Lavin
Bernini: Sculpting in Clay
by C.D. Dickerson III, Anthony Sigel, Ian Wardropper, and others
Schubert’s Winter Journey: Anatomy of an Obsession
by Ian Bostridge
Darling Monster: The Letters of Lady Diana Cooper to Her Son John Julius Norwich, 1939–1952
edited by John Julius Norwich
Trying to Please: A Memoir
by John Julius Norwich
Autobiography: The Rainbow Comes and Goes, The Light of Common Day, Trumpets from the Steep
by Diana Cooper
Old Men Forget
by Duff Cooper
The Duff Cooper Diaries
edited and with an introduction by John Julius Norwich
A Durable Fire: The Letters of Duff and Diana Cooper, 1913–1950
edited by Artemis Cooper
Diana Cooper
by Philip Ziegler
Duff Cooper: The Authorized Biography
by John Charmley
Letters of Conrad Russell, 1897–1947
edited by Georgiana Blakiston
The Letters of Evelyn Waugh and Diana Cooper
edited by Artemis Cooper
Climate Shock: The Economic Consequences of a Hotter Planet
by Gernot Wagner and Martin L. Weitzman
The Heart Is Strange: New Selected Poems
by John Berryman, edited and with an introduction by Daniel Swift
The Dream Songs
by John Berryman, with an introduction by Michael Hofmann
77 Dream Songs
by John Berryman, with an introduction by Henri Cole
Berryman’s Sonnets
by John Berryman, with an introduction by April Bernard
In Manchuria: A Village Called Wasteland and the Transformation of Rural China
by Michael Meyer
Without You, There Is No Us: My Time with the Sons of North Korea’s Elite
by Suki Kim
a film directed by Spike Jonze
Ex Machina
a film directed by Alex Garland
Chasing Lost Time: The Life of C.K. Scott Moncrieff: Soldier, Spy, and Translator
by Jean Findlay
Let Me Heal: The Opportunity to Preserve Excellence in American Medicine
by Kenneth M. Ludmerer
Time Ages in a Hurry
by Antonio Tabucchi, translated from the Italian by Martha Cooley and Antonio Romani
Indian Nocturne
by Antonio Tabucchi, translated from the Italian by Tim Parks
Dreams of Dreams and the Last Three Days of Fernando Pessoa
by Antonio Tabucchi, translated from the Italian by Nancy J. Peters
Requiem: A Hallucination
by Antonio Tabucchi, translated from the Portuguese by Margaret Jull Costa
Pereira Declares: A Testimony
by Antonio Tabucchi, translated from the Italian by Patrick Creagh
The Missing Head of Damasceno Monteiro
by Antonio Tabucchi, translated from the Italian by J. C. Patrick
Tristano Dies: A Life
by Antonio Tabucchi, translated from the Italian by Elizabeth Harris
The Woman of Porto Pim
by Antonio Tabucchi, translated from the Italian by Tim Parks
It’s Getting Later All the Time
by Antonio Tabucchi, translated from the Italian by Alastair McEwen
The Paradox of Liberation: Secular Revolutions and Religious Counterrevolutions
by Michael Walzer
Gateway to Freedom: The Hidden History of the Underground Railroad
by Eric Foner
Shattered Families, Broken Dreams: Little-Known Episodes from the History of the Persecution of Chinese Revolutionaries in Stalin’s Gulag
by Sin-Lin, translated from the Russian by Steven I. Levine
Reading Darwin in Arabic, 1860–1950
by Marwa Elshakry
When the Doves Disappeared
by Sofi Oksanen, translated from the Finnish by Lola Rogers
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