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February 27, 2025
Current Issue
W.H. Auden
Two Poems
Joseph Brodsky
Elegy to W.H. Auden
Chester Kallman
The Dome of the Rock: Jerusalem (1970)
John Ashbery
Noam Chomsky
Peter Clecak
Still Powerless?
Raymond Durgnat
Renoir’s Spell
James Merrill
Verse for Urania
Marie Syrkin
Philip Roth and the Jews: An Exchange
Cesar E. Chavez
A Letter from Cesar Chavez
Richard Murphy
Traveller’s Palm
Robert J. Steinfeld
Breaks for Women
Stanley Diamond
End Games of Empire?
Luigi Barzini
The Not So Great Dictator
Robert Craft
Taking the Wagner Cure
Carrington L. Goodrich, et al.
The Fate of Rubin
Pablo Neruda
Where Can Guillermina Be?
Terry M. Perlin
The Threat of Marx
George Soros
Prove It
Ernst Badian
The Alexander Romance
John Bayley
From the Ridiculous to the Ridiculous
Martin Garbus
On Trial in Chile
L.D. Reddick
Robert Solo
Power of Positive Popperism
John G. Fuller
Trick or Treatment
Martin Green
Romantic Jones
Dumas Malone
Executive Privilege: Jefferson & Burr & Nixon & Ehrlichman
Robert L. Bernstein, et al.
Soviet Inhumanity
Clarence Brown
James Forman
LNS in Trouble
Daniel J. Amit
An Exchange on Israel
James Finn
Gregory Rabassa
Paradise Regained
Seamus Deane
Who Began the Killing?
David Rush
Eating to Die
Laurence Senelick
Female Gothic
Harvey Gross
Sidney Krome
The Moor Oppressed?
Burton Raffel
Stanley Bosworth
How Useful Is IQ?
Ronald Christ
Seizure in Argentina
Robert Claiborne
Bukharin and Others
Richard Bevis
Imperial Israel?
Kenneth Koch
The Circus
L.S. Stavrianos
An Exchange on The Human Prospect
David Finn
Candid Camera
Claude Gruen
After the Raid
V.E. Kelly
J.M. Cameron
Stalin, Trotsky, & Cromwell
Richard Stern
For Hal Scharlatt (1935–1974) February 21, 1974
Adam B. Ulam
Mikhail Agursky
Soviet Anti-Semitism
V. Bielski
The Fate of Kudirka
Alberto Mares
A Program to Cripple Federal Prisoners
Helmut Boersch-Supan
Medium & Message
Henry Carlisle, et al.
Appeal for Abdul Malik
I.J. Kapstein
The Kapstein Konnection
Philip Berrigan
Nixon’s Victims
Norman Birnbaum
Chile’s Victims
Marilyn Schneider
Micol’s Betrayal
Joan Apter
Knowledge of the Guru
Daniel Bell
An Exchange on Post-Industrial Society
Robert Brustein, et al.
Protest to Podgorny
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