
The Wisdom of Colette

“Nature mystics would explain that you make friends with what is there; an animal, a plant, an object. Colette possessed herself of this knowledge and used it consciously throughout her life and in all her writings.”

Colette: The Difficulty of Loving

by Margaret Crosland

The Thousand and One Mornings

by Colette, translated by Margaret Crosland and David Le Vay

Shots of Donatello

Donatello: Prophet of Modern Vision

photographs by David Finn, text by Frederick Hartt

The Monster and his Myths

Stalin as Revolutionary, 1879-1929

by Robert C. Tucker

Stalin: The Man and His Era

by Adam B. Ulam

Nolo Contendere

Do with me what you will

by Joyce Carol Oates

Where the Energy Crisis Is Pushing Us

Fiscal Policy and the Energy Crisis

US Senate Committee on Finance

Staff Study of the Oversight and Efficiency of Executive Agencies with respect to the Petroleum Industry, Especially as It Relates to Recent Fuel Shortages on Government Operations

US Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee

Gilding the Iron Cage

The American University

by Talcott Parsons and Gerald M. Platt


Modern Heroism

by Roger Sale

D.H. Lawrence

by Frank Kermode

Ming Minx

The Golden Lotus

translated by Colonel Clement Egerton

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