
Democracy’s Red Line

On Masha Gessen’s ‘Surviving Autocracy’

Surviving Autocracy

by Masha Gessen

He Made Stone Speak

Late in life, Michelangelo took on a series of huge, daunting projects, fully aware that he would never live to see them completed.

Michelangelo, God’s Architect: The Story of His Final Years and Greatest Masterpiece

by William E. Wallace

Biden’s Journey Left

He now sees himself in the mold of FDR, a leader who would rise to the vast challenge history has thrust upon him and introduce sweeping change.

An Ethical Path to a Covid Vaccine

Many idealistic young people seem willing to risk their health for the common good. The question is how to make Phase I studies safe and fair.

Adverse Events: Race, Inequality, and the Testing of New Pharmaceuticals

by Jill A. Fisher

A Woman’s Performance


by Anne Enright

No Authority: Writings from the Laureateship

by Anne Enright

Who Resisted the Nazis?

The Resistance in Western Europe, 1940–1945

by Olivier Wieviorka, translated from the French by Jane Marie Todd, with a foreword by Robert O. Paxton

Sudden Courage: Youth in France Confront the Germans, 1940–1945

by Ronald C. Rosbottom

Defying Hitler: The Germans Who Resisted Nazi Rule

by Gordon Thomas and Greg Lewis

Last Letters: The Prison Correspondence, September 1944–January 1945

by Freya and Helmuth James von Moltke, edited by Helmuth Caspar von Moltke, Dorothea von Moltke, and Johannes von Moltke, translated from the German by Shelley Frisch and with an afterword by Rachel Seiffert


Drawing Down the Moon: Magic in the Ancient Greco-Roman World

by Radcliffe G. Edmonds III

Why Precedent Won’t Protect ‘Roe’

Liberals need to take a fresh look at Supreme Court precedent to figure out what they really think about it before making it the basis of their arguments against conservative activism.

The Opposite of Ordinary


a documentary film directed by Alla Kovgan

Dancing with Merce Cunningham

by Marianne Preger-Simon, with a foreword by Stuart Hodes and an afterword by Alastair Macaulay

Diary: How to Improve the World (You Will Only Make Matters Worse)

by John Cage, edited by Joe Biel and Richard Kraft, with an afterword by David W. Rose

Love, Icebox: Letters from John Cage to Merce Cunningham

with a foreword, commentary, and afterword by Laura Kuhn

Merce Cunningham: After the Arbitrary

by Carrie Noland

What Is College Worth?

As tuition and student debt continue to skyrocket, it’s worth asking how much longer we can sustain this system.

The College Dropout Scandal

by David Kirp

The Impoverishment of the American College Student

by James V. Koch

Lower Ed: The Troubling Rise of For-Profit Colleges in the New Economy

by Tressie McMillan Cottom

The Years That Matter Most: How College Makes or Breaks Us

by Paul Tough

Indebted: How Families Make College Work at Any Cost

by Caitlin Zaloom

Our First Authoritarian Crackdown

Wendell Bird’s ‘Criminal Dissent: Prosecutions Under the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798’

Criminal Dissent: Prosecutions Under the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798

by Wendell Bird

Making and Unmaking

The Ruins Lesson: Meaning and Material in Western Culture

by Susan Stewart

A Legacy of Torture in Chicago

Laurence Ralph’s ‘The Torture Letters: Reckoning with Police Violence’

The Torture Letters: Reckoning with Police Violence

by Laurence Ralph

Just Use Your Thinking Pump!

What is the scientific method, and when, where, and how did it become, as the kids say, a thing?

The Scientific Method: An Evolution of Thinking from Darwin to Dewey

by Henry M. Cowles

The Intent Was Genocide

Surviving Genocide: Native Nations and the United States from the American Revolution to Bleeding Kansas

by Jeffrey Ostler

The Vitality of Orthodoxy

The Eastern Orthodox Church: A New History

by John Anthony McGuckin

Ransacking the Republic

Trump and his Republican wrecking crew are ripping out the floorboards under the government ethics program.

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