The Joy of Playing, the Joy of Thinking: Conversations About Art and Performance
by Charles Rosen and Catherine Temerson, translated from the French by Catherine Zerner, with a foreword by Israel Rosenfield
The Chemical Age: How Chemists Fought Famine and Disease, Killed Millions, and Changed Our Relationship with the Earth
by Frank A. von Hippel
The Contamination of the Earth: A History of Pollutions in the Industrial Age
by François Jarrige and Thomas Le Roux, translated from the French by Janice Egan and Michael Egan
Broken Glass: Mies van der Rohe, Edith Farnsworth, and the Fight Over a Modernist Masterpiece
by Alex Beam
Edith Farnsworth’s Country House
an exhibition at the Farnsworth House, Plano, Illinois, July 1, 2020–November 14, 2021
From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century
by William A. Darity Jr. and A. Kirsten Mullen
The Poet’s Mistake
by Erica McAlpine
The Equivalents: A Story of Art, Female Friendship, and Liberation in the 1960s
by Maggie Doherty
Virginia Woolf: And the Women Who Shaped Her World
by Gillian Gill
The Lost Girls: Love and Literature in Wartime London
by D.J. Taylor
Square Haunting: Five Lives in London Between the Wars
by Francesca Wade
The Japanese Photobook, 1912–1990
by Manfred Heiting and Ryuichi Kaneko, with essays by Duncan Forbes, Satomi Fujimura, and others
Chizu (Map)
by Kikuji Kawada
by Issei Suda
Karasu (Ravens)
by Masahisa Fukase
Utatane (Daydream)
by Rinko Kawauchi
by Rinko Kawauchi
Half Awake and Half Asleep in the Water
by Asako Narahashi
Kuroyami (Black Darkness)
by Sakiko Nomura
The Restoration Will
by Mayumi Suzuki
by Yukari Chikura
We Keep the Dead Close: A Murder at Harvard and a Half Century of Silence
by Becky Cooper
His Excellency Eugène Rougon
by Émile Zola, translated from the French and with an introduction and notes by Brian Nelson
The Sin of Abbé Mouret
by Émile Zola, translated from the French and with an introduction and notes by Valerie Minogue
by Émile Zola, translated from the French by Helen Constantine, with an introduction and notes by Brian Nelson
Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men
by Caroline Criado Perez
Mass Tort Deals: Backroom Bargaining in Multidistrict Litigation
by Elizabeth Chamblee Burch
Leave the World Behind
by Rumaan Alam
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