
The Conquerer


by André Malraux, translated by Terence Kilmartin

The Great Disturbing Element

The History of Germany Since 1789

by Golo Mann

Germany, 1789-1919, A Political History

by Agatha Ramm

Britain and Germany in Africa: Imperial Rivalry and Colonial Rule

edited by Prosser Gifford, edited by William Robert Louis

The Bourgeois Take-Over

The Bourgeois, Catholicism vs Capitalism

by Bernard Groethuysen, translated by Mary Ilford, with an Introduction by Benjamin Nelson

Bayeux in the Late Eighteenth Century

by Olwen H. Hufton

Pale Fire

Carlyle and the Idea of the Modern

by Albert J. LaValley

Sartor Called Resartus

by G.B. Tennyson

Why Mussolini Made It

Italy from Liberalism to Fascism

by Christopher Seton-Watson

The Fall and Rise of Modern Italy

by Serge Hughes

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