
The Last Laugh

Rabelais and His World

by Mikhail Bakhtin, translated by Helene Iswolsky

To the Rescue

The Lives of Children

by George Dennison

Dangerous Acquaintances

Salt in the Wound

by Leonardo Sciascia, translated by Judith Green

The Man Who Plays Alone

by Danilo Dolci, translated by Antonia Cowan

A Passion for Sicilians: The World Around Danilo Dolci

by Jerre Mangione

Cummings and Goings

Selected Letters of E. E. Cummings

edited by F.W. Dupee, edited by George Stade

Technocrats vs. Humanists

Les désillusions du progrès

by Raymond Aron

D'une Sainte Famille à l'autre

by Raymond Aron

Liberté et organisation dans le monde actuel

Centre d'Études de la Civilisation contemporaine

Socialisme ou social-médiocrité?

by Jacques Mandrin (pseudonym)

Ma part de vérité

by François Mitterand

Une stratégie pour la gauche

by Jean Poperen

Le PSU et l'avenir socialiste de la France the PSU adopted in March 1969

Interviews with Michel Rocard, critical introduction, and theses of the PSUadopted in March 1969.

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Up Against It

The Devil Has Slippery Shoes: A Biased Biography of the Child Development Group of Mississippi

by Polly Greenberg

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