
Blake Triumphant

Blake and Tradition The Bollingen Series XXXV: 11

by Kathleen Raine

Priest of Revolution

Camilo Torres

by Germán Guzmán

Camilo Torres, His Life and His Message

edited by John Alvarez García

Camilo Torres por el Padre Camilo Torres Restrepo (1956-1966), Sondeos No. 5.

Centro Intercultural de Documentación

Camilo Torres, Un Símbolo Controvertido, 1962-67, CIDOC Dossier No. 12. publications.)

Centro Intercultural de Documentación

Enemies of Progress

The Crime of Punishment

by Karl Menninger M.D.

The Insanity Defense

by Abraham S. Goldstein

The Molecular Shadow

Biology and Man

by George Gaylord Simpson

The Relations between the Sciences

by C.F.A. Pantin

Approaches to a Philosophical Biology

by Marjorie Grene

Towards a Theoretical Biology

I.U.B.S. Symposium and ed. C.H. Waddington


Only One Year

by Svetlana Alliluyeva, translated by Paul Chavchvadze

Mao and the Writers

Literary Dissent in Communist China

by Merle Goldman

The Gate of Darkness: Studies on the Leftist Literary Movement in China

by Tsi-an Hsia

Literary Doctrine in China and Soviet Influence 1956-1960

by D.N. Fokkema

Pa Chin and His Writings: Chinese Youth Between the Two Revolutions

by Olga Lang

The Hundred Flowers

by Roderick MacFarquhar

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