
Ecological Armageddon

Population, Resources, Environment

by Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich

Cage and the Collage of Noises

Cage wanted, had always wanted, to save music from itself by removing its narcotic qualities.


by John Cage

A Year from Monday: New Lectures and Writings

by John Cage

Silence: Lectures and Writings

by John Cage

Virgil Thomson: His Life and Music

by Kathleen Hoover and John Cage

The Perfectly Candid Man

Sowing: An Autobiography of the Years 1880-1904

by Leonard Woolf

Growing: An Autobiography of the Years 1904-1911

by Leonard Woolf

Beginning Again: An Autobiography of the Years 1911-1918

by Leonard Woolf

Downhill All the Way: An Autobiography of the Years 1919-1939

by Leonard Woolf

The Journey Not the Arrival Matters

by Leonard Woolf

Man Hunt

A Fairly Honourable Defeat

by Iris Murdoch

The Heron

by Giorgio Bassani, translated by William Weaver


by James Dickey


by Michel Butor, translated by Elinor S. Miller

Revolution Then

The Court and the Country

by Perez Zagorin

Lenin Year

Will the Soviet Union Survive Until 1984?

by Andrei Amalrik

The New Russian Tragedy

by Anatole Shub

The Demonstration in Pushkin Square

by Pavel Litvinov

Message From Moscow

An Observer

My Testimony

by Anatoly Marchenko

Russia: Hopes And Fears

by Alexander Werth

War Between Russia and China

by Harrison E. Salisbury

The Masaryk Case

by Claire Sterling

Report On My Husband

by Josefa Slánská

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