
The Augustinian Ruskin

The Failing Distance: The Autobiographical Impulse in John Ruskin

by Jay Fellows

The ‘Doctor Faustus’ Case

Doctor Faustus: The Life of the German Composer Adrian Leverkühn as told by a Friend

by Thomas Mann, translated by H. T. Lowe-Porter

The Story of a Novel: The Genesis of "Doctor Faustus"

by Thomas Mann, translated by Richard Winston and Clara Winston

Thomas Mann's "Doctor Faustus": The Sources and Structure of the Novel

by Gunilla Bergsten, translated by Krishna Winston

Faust as Musician: A Study of Thomas Mann's Novel "Doctor Faustus"

by Patrick Carnegy

From Ragtime to Riches


by E. L. Doctorow

Mindless Societies

Sociobiology: The New Synthesis

by Edward O. Wilson

Biogenetic Structuralism

by Charles D. Laughlin Jr. and Eugene G. d'Aquili

The CIA in Latin America

Inside the Company: CIA Diary

by Philip Agee

Adventures of the Deep

Far Tortuga

by Peter Matthiessen

The Sinking of the Odradek Stadium and Other Novels

by Harry Mathews

The Great Victorian Collection

by Brian Moore

The Return of Laura Riding

Selected Poems: In Five Sets

by Laura Riding

The Telling

by Laura (Riding) Jackson

Yankee Doodle Andy

Fathers and Children: Andrew Jackson and the Subjugation of the American Indian

by Michael Paul Rogin

Stricken Boston

A City in Terror: 1919
The Boston Police Strike

by Francis Russell

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