Simone Weil: A Life
by Simone Pétrement, translated by Raymond Rosenthal
Genius and Lust: A Journey Through the Major Writings of Henry Miller
by Norman Mailer
Of Grammatology
by Jacques Derrida, translated by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
by Jacques Derrida
The Alteration
by Kingsley Amis
The Children of Dynmouth
by William Trevor
A Dream Journey
by James Hanley
Dialogues of the Carmelites
an opera in three acts by Francis Poulenc, libretto drawn by the composer from a text by Georges Bernanos
In the Russian Style
edited by Jacqueline Onassis. with the cooperation of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, introduction by Audrey Kennett, designed by Bryan Holme
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