
Before the Deluge

Badenheim 1939

by Aharon Appelfeld, translated by Dalya Bilu


Personal Impressions

by Isaiah Berlin

Brecht in Asphalt

Brecht's America

by Patty Lee Parmalee

Bertolt Brecht in America

by James K. Lyon

Follow the Fleet

The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1805

by Alfred Thayer Mahan, abridged and edited, with an introduction and Anthony Preston

The New Liszt

The Letters of Franz Liszt to Olga von Meyendorff (1871-1886) Harvard University Press

translated by William R. Tyler, introduction and notes by Edward N. Waters

The Cold Comedian

The Book of Laughter and Forgetting

by Milan Kundera, translated by Michael Henry Heim

Hit Parade

The Oxford Book of Satirical Verse

chosen by Geoffrey Grigson

Friends and Enemies

The Palestinians

by Jonathan Dimbleby, photographs by Donald McCullin

Report and Recommendations of an Amnesty International Mission to the Government of the State of Israel, 3-7 June 1979

Arab Politics in Palestine 1917-1939: The Frustration of a National Movement

by Ann Mosely Lesch

Original Sins

Puritans and Adventurers: Change and Persistence in Early America

by T.H. Breen

"Myne Owne Ground": Race and Freedom on Virginia's Eastern Shore, 1640-1676

by T.H. Breen and Stephen Innes

In English Ways: The Movement of Societies and the Transferral of English Local Law and Custom to Massachusetts Bay in the Seventeenth Century

by David Grayson Allen

Inside the Great House: Planter Family Life in Eighteenth-Century Chesapeake Society

by Daniel Blake Smith

The Second American Revolution?

Cracks in the Constitution

by Ferdinand Lundberg

Were These Revolutions Necessary?

States and Social Revolutions: A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia, and China

by Theda Skocpol

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