Jardins et Routes, Diaries, Vol. I: 1939-1940
by Ernst Jünger
Premier Journal Parisien, Diaries, Vol. II: 1941-1943
by Ernst Jünger
Second Journal Parisien, Diaries, Vol. III: 1943-1945
by Ernst Jünger
The Storm of Steel (In Stahlgewittern) currently available in English.)
by Ernst Jünger, translated by B. Creighton
Sur les Falaises de Marbre (Auf den Marmorklippen) published in 1947 by introduction by
by Ernst Jünger, The English translation of On the Marble Cliffs was John Lehmann, again in 1970 as a Penguin Modern Classic, with an George Steiner
Ernst Jünger: A Writer of Our Time
by J.P. Stern
White Supremacy: A Comparative Study in American and South African History
by George M. Fredrickson
The Egghead Republic: A Short Novel from the Horse Latitudes
by Arno Schmidt, translated by Michael Horovitz, edited by Ernst Krawehl, edited by Marion Boyars
Evening Edged in Gold
by Arno Schmidt, translated by John E. Woods
The Wayward and the Seeking: A Collection of Writings by Jean Toomer
edited by Darwin T. Turner
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