
How to Rescue a Drowning Economy

Minding America's Business: The Decline and Rise of the American Economy

by Ira C. Magaziner and Robert B. Reich

A Funny Meister

The Genius of Wilhelm Busch: Comedy of Frustration

edited and translated by Walter Arndt

No Fool

Clare Boothe Luce

by Wilfrid Sheed

The Rise of Hyman Rickover


by Norman Polmar and Thomas B. Allen

Reading for Signs of Life

On Learning to Read: The Child's Fascination with Meaning

by Bruno Bettelheim and Karen Zelan

The Old Country

Malgudi Days

by R. K. Narayan

How Strong Are the Saudis?

The Kingdom

by Robert Lacey

The House of Saud: The Rise and Rule of the Most Powerful Dynasty in the Arab World

by David Holden and Richard Johns

Saudi Arabia in the 1980s: Foreign Policy, Security, and Oil

by William B. Quandt

The Genius Syndrome

God's Fifth Column: A Biography of the Age, 1890-1940

by William Gerhardie, edited and with an introduction by Michael Holroyd and Robert Skidelsky

Dr. Shaw’s Music Lessons

Shaw's Music: The Complete Musical Criticism

edited by Dan H. Laurence

Moses and Atheism

The Refusers: An Epic of the Jews

by Stanley Burnshaw

Who Should Go to Prison?

Imprisonment in America: Choosing the Future

by Michael Sherman and Gordon Hawkins

Wittgenstein the Psychologist

Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology

by Ludwig Wittgenstein, Volume I edited by G.E.M. Anscombe, and G.H. von Wright, translated by G.E.M. Anscombe, Volume II edited by G.H. von Wright, and Heikki Nyman, translated by C.G. Luckhardt and M.A.E. Aue

China: Mulberries and Famine

China's Silk Trade: Traditional Industry in the Modern World, 1842-1937 University Press

by Lillian M. Li

Bureaucratie et famine en Chine au 18e siècle

by Pierre-Etienne Will


by Keith Buchanan and Charles P. FitzGerald and Colin A. Ronan, with a foreward by Joseph Needham

A History of Chinese Civilization

by Jacques Gernet, translated by J.R. Foster

Chinese Civilization and Society: A Sourcebook

edited by Patricia Buckley Ebrey

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