
Norman in Egypt

Ancient Evenings

by Norman Mailer

The Case for Khrushchev


by Roy Medvedev, translated by Brian Pearce

Why Not the Best?


by Michel Tournier, translated by Norman Denny

The Ogre

by Michel Tournier, translated by Barbara Bray


by Michel Tournier, translated by Anne Carter

The Four Wise Men

by Michel Tournier, translated by Ralph Manheim

Le Vent du Paraclet

by Michel Tournier

What Einstein Did

'Subtle is the Lord...': The Science and the Life of Albert Einstein

by Abraham Pais

Innocent at Home

The Outline of Sanity: A Life of G.K. Chesterton

by Alzina Stone Dale


Brown Girl, Brownstones

by Paule Marshall, afterword by Mary Helen Washington

Praisesong for the Widow

by Paule Marshall

Shakespeare for the Eighties

Comic Women, Tragic Men: A Study of Gender and Genre in Shakespeare

by Linda Bamber

Still Harping on Daughters: Women and Drama in the Age of Shakespeare

by Lisa Jardine

Shakespeare the Director

by Ann Pasternak Slater

The Artist and Society in Shakespeare's England: The Collected Papers of Muriel Bradbrook, Volume I

by M.C. Bradbrook

The Book Known as Q: A Consideration of Shakespeare's Sonnets

by Robert Giroux

Troilus and Cressida

by William Shakespeare, edited by Kenneth Palmer

Troilus and Cressida

by William Shakespeare, edited by Kenneth Muir

The Taming of the Shrew

by William Shakespeare, edited by H.J. Oliver

Henry V

by William Shakespeare, edited by Gary Taylor

See all reviewed works
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Consequences of Pragmatism (Essays 1972-1980)

by Richard Rorty

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