by Pierre Schneider, translated by Michael Taylor and Bridget Strevens Romer
Wagnerism in European Culture and Politics
edited by David C. Large, edited by William Weber, edited by Anne Dzamba Sessa
Impressions of Africa
by Raymond Roussel, translated by Lindy Foord and Rayner Heppenstall
Locus Solus
by Raymond Roussel, translated by Rupert Copeland Cunningham
How I Wrote Certain of My Books
by Raymond Roussel, translated, with notes and a bibliography and Trevor Winkfield, with two essays on Roussel by John Ashbery, a translation of Canto III of Nouvelles Impressions d'Afrique by Kenneth Koch
Raymond Roussel
by Rayner Heppenstall
Politics, Culture, and Class in the French Revolution
by Lynn Hunt
The Foundations of Psychoanalysis: A Philosophical Critique
by Adolf Grünbaum
W.B. Yeats: The Poems
a new edition edited by Richard J. Finneran
Editing Yeats's Poems
by Richard J. Finneran
A New Commentary on the Poems of W.B. Yeats
by A. Norman Jeffares
Wo Deutschland Liegt: Eine Ortsbestimmung
by Günter Gaus
Die Fernen Nachbarn: Erfahrungen in der DDR
by Klaus Bölling
From Red to Green: Interviews with New Left Review
by Rudolf Bahro, translated by Gus Fagan and Richard Hurst
by Christa Wolf, translated by Jan van Heurck
Die Deutsche Geschichte Geht Weiter
by Richard von Weizsäcker
Fighting for Hope
by Petra Kelly, introduction by Heinrich Böll, translated by Marianne Howarth
by Rolf Hochhuth
by Stefan Heym
The Wall Jumper
by Peter Schneider, translated by Leigh Hafrey
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