
In Praise of Amateurs

Seeing in the Dark: How Backyard Stargazers Are Probing Deep Space and Guarding Earth from Interplanetary Peril

by Timothy Ferris

Edward Weston’s Women

Margrethe Mather and Edward Weston: A Passionate Collaboration

by Beth Gates Warren

Through Another Lens: My Years with Edward Weston

by Charis Wilson and Wendy Madar

Gore Family Values

Joined at the Heart: The Transformation of the American Family

by Al and Tipper Gore

The Magic Circle

The Pity of It All: A History of Jews in Germany, 1743–1933

by Amos Elon

Brazil: Lula’s Prospects

“To understand Lula it is essential to realize that he is at the core a union man, a tough labor negotiator, a formidable forger of consensus, and a leader with a charismatic ability thereafter to mobilize the crowds in the direction chosen.”

Nature & the Art of Running

Why We Run: A Natural History

by Bernd Heinrich

Mind Your Maniera

Painting in Renaissance Florence, 1500–1550

by David Franklin

Pontormo, Bronzino, Allori: A Genealogy of Florentine Art

by Elizabeth Pilliod

Objects of Virtue: Art in Renaissance Italy

by Luke Syson and Dora Thornton

High Fidelity

The Courage to Be Catholic: Crisis, Reform, and the Future of the Church

by George Weigel

Brief Encounter


by Milan Kundera, translated from the French by Linda Asher

On the Road

The tremors struck Houston on a fine spring morning in 1964, when Ken Kesey called and said they were on a bus and were coming to see me.

Unlocking the Cupboard

The Human Country: New and Collected Stories

by Harry Mathews

Portrait of the Artist

Youth: Scenes from Provincial Life II

by J.M. Coetzee

Knowing the Score

Finders Keepers: Selected Prose, 1971–2001

by Seamus Heaney

Good Hair Day

On Her Own Ground: The Life and Times of Madam C.J. Walker

by A'Lelia Bundles

A Battle for Religioi

The Star of Redemption

by Franz Rosenzweig, translated from the German by William W. Hallo

Philosophical and Theological Writings

by Franz Rosenzweig, translated from the German and edited by Paul W. Franks and Michael L. Morgan

Cultural Writings of Franz Rosenzweig

edited and translated from the German by Barbara E. Galli, with a foreword by Leora Batnitzky

God, Man, and the World: Lectures and Essays

by Franz Rosenzweig, edited and translated from the German by Barbara E. Galli, with a foreword by Michael Oppenheim

Franz Rosenzweig's "The New Thinking"

edited and translated from the German by Alan Udoff and Barbara E. Galli

On Jewish Learning

by Franz Rosenzweig, edited by N.N. Glatzer

Rosenzweig and Heidegger: Between Judaism and German Philosophy

by Peter Eli Gordon

Understanding the Sick and the Healthy: A View of World, Man, and God

by Franz Rosenzweig, translated from the German and with an introduction by Nahum Glatzer, and an introduction by Hilary Putnam

Idolatry and Representation: The Philosophy of Franz Rosenzweig Reconsidered

by Leora Batnitzky

On the Psychotheology of Everyday Life: Reflections on Freud and Rosenzweig

by Eric L. Santner

Franz Rosenzweig: His Life and Thought

by Nahum N. Glatzer, with a foreword by Paul-Mendes Flohr

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