
On War

Generation Kill: Devil Dogs, Iceman, Captain America and the New Face of American War

by Evan Wright

The Fall of Baghdad

by Jon Lee Anderson

The Magician

“Raphael would portray these same disciples in a painted vortex that forms—an image of pure wind—the center of his phenomenal Transfiguration, spinning each of them off on his own headlong spiral trajectory, every twist and turn of a body in space now totally under control.”

Raphael: From Urbino to Rome

Catalog of the exhibition by Hugh Chapman, Tom Henry, and Carol Plazzota, with contributions from Arnold Nesselrath and Nicholas Penny

In Abraham’s Vineyard

A Tale of Love and Darkness

by Amos Oz, translated from the Hebrew by Nicholas de Lange

Mystery Man

Will in the World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare

by Stephen Greenblatt

Pictures from an Institution

I Am Charlotte Simmons

by Tom Wolfe

The Man in the Smoking Jacket

Cary Grant: A Biography

by Marc Eliot

Cary Grant: In Name Only

by Gary Morecambe and Martin Sterling

Sentimental Education


by John Updike

The Royal Family

The Story of Babar

by Jean de Brunhoff

The Travels of Babar

by Jean de Brunhoff

Babar the King

by Jean de Brunhoff

Babar and Zephir

by Jean de Brunhoff

Babar's Picnic

by Laurent de Brunhoff

Babar's Visit to Bird Island

by Laurent de Brunhoff

Babar Comes to America

by Laurent de Brunhoff

Babar Loses His Crown

by Laurent de Brunhoff

Babar Visits Another Planet

by Laurent de Brunhoff

Babar and the Wully-Wully

by Laurent de Brunhoff

Babar's Mystery

by Laurent de Brunhoff

Babar and the Ghost

by Laurent de Brunhoff

Babar's Little Girl Makes a Friend

by Laurent de Brunhoff

Babar's Battle

by Laurent de Brunhoff

The Rescue of Babar

by Laurent de Brunhoff

Babar's Museum of Art

by Laurent de Brunhoff


by Laurent de Brunhoff

Animal Land: The Creatures of Children's Fiction

by Margaret Blount

The Empire's Old Clothes: What the Lone Ranger, Babar, and Other Innocent Heroes Do to Our Minds

by Ariel Dorfman

The Art of Babar

by Nicholas Fox Weber

Jean and Laurent de Brunhoff: The Legacy of Babar

by Ann Meinzen Hildebrand

Should We Burn Babar? Essays on Children's Literature and the Power of Stories

by Herbert Kohl

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Notes from Underground

The Italian Boy: A Tale of Murder and Body Snatching in 1830s London

by Sarah Wise

Subversive Activities

Angels on the Head of a Pin

by Yuri Druzhnikov, translated from the Russian by Thomas Moore

Ice (Lyod)

by Vladimir Sorokin

The Dialectics of the Transition Period from Nowhere to Nothing (Dialektika Perehodnogo Perioda iz Niotkuda v Nikuda)

by Viktor Pelevin

Specimen Days

Freedom Rising: Washington in the Civil War

by Ernest B. Furgurson

Summing Him Up

Somerset Maugham: A Life

by Jeffrey Meyers

A Double Bind

The Jews of Britain, 1656 to 2000

by Todd M. Endelman

A Double Thread: Growing Up English and Jewish in London

by John Gross

Confidence Games

The Silver Screen

by Maureen Howard

Inside the Leviathan

Wal-Mart: Template for 21st Century Capitalism?

edited by Nelson Lichtenstein

US Productivity Growth, 1995–2000, Section VI: Retail Trade

a report by the McKinsey Global Institute

Selling Women Short: The Landmark Battle for Workers' Rights at Wal-Mart

by Liza Featherstone

Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America

by Barbara Ehrenreich

Betty Dukes, Patricia Surgeson, Cleo Page et al., Plaintiff, vs. Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Defendant: Declarations in Support of Plaintiffs

Everyday Low Wages: The Hidden Price We All Pay for Wal-Mart

a report by the Democratic Staff of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce

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