The Conservative Soul: How We Lost It, How to Get It Back
by Andrew Sullivan
Martìn Ramìrez
Catalog of the exhibition by Brooke Davis Anderson, with essays by Vìctor M. Espinosa and Kristin E. Espinosa, Daniel Baumann, and Victor Zamudio-Taylor, a foreword by Maria Ann Conelli, and an introduction by Robert Storr.
The Aeneid
by Virgil, translated from the Latin by Robert Fagles, with anintroduction by Bernard Knox
by Virgil, translated from the Latin by Stanley Lombardo, with anintroduction by W.R. Johnson
Punishment and Inequality in America
by Bruce Western
Confronting Confinement: A Report of the Commission on Safety and Abuse in America's Prisons
by John J. Gibbons and Nicholas de B. Katzenbach, co-chairs
Locked Out: Felon Disenfranchisement and American Democracy
by Jeff Manza and Christopher Uggen
The Bonus Army: An American Epic
by Paul Dickson and Thomas B. Allen
Soldiers to Citizens: The G.I. Bill and the Making of the Greatest Generation
by Suzanne Mettler
Over Here: How the G.I. Bill Transformed the American Dream
by Edward Humes
In the Country of Men
by Hisham Matar
Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits
by Laila Lalami
Letters from Oxford: Hugh Trevor-Roper to Bernard Berenson
edited by Richard Davenport-Hines
Europe's Physician: The Various Life of Sir Theodore de Mayerne
by Hugh Trevor-Roper
War of Nerves: Chemical Warfare from World War I to Al-Qaeda
by Jonathan B. Tucker
Pathfinders: A Global History of Exploration
by Felipe Fernández-Armesto
The Courtier and the Heretic: Leibniz, Spinoza, and the Fate of God in the Modern World
by Matthew Stewart
Betraying Spinoza: The Renegade Jew Who Gave Us Modernity
by Rebecca Goldstein
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