
A Russian Romantic

A Lermontov Reader

edited and translated by Guy Daniels

Hammarskjold’s Mask


by Dag Hammarskjöld, translated by Leif Sjöberg and W.H. Auden, with a Foreword by W.H. Auden

Portrait of A Genius But

Alberto Giacometti

by Peter Selz

A Giacometti Portrait

by James Lord


Socialis Humanism: An International Symposium

edited by Erich Fromm

Marxism In The Modern World

edited by Milorad M. Drachkovitch

Testament of an English Eccentric

The Temple and the House

by Lord Raglan

Gold Diggers of 1965

Arms, Money and Politics

by Julius Duscha

Our Depleted Society

by Seymour Melman

Did Fabius Pictor Lie?

Early Rome and the Latins

by Andrew Alföldi

Great Scott

The Apprentice Fiction of F. Scott Fitzgerald, 1909-1917

edited with an Introduction by John Kuehl

The Art of F. Scott Fitzgerald

by Sergio Perosa, translated by Charles Matz. the author

F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Critical Portrait

by Henry Dan Piper

Survey Course

The Oxford History of the American People

by Samuel Eliot Morison

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