
Portrait of the Artist as a Middle-Aged Adulterer

It is best to look at Giacomo Joyce as a private journal, not intended for publication, reflecting Joyce’s obsessions with adultery, dark oriental beauties, underclothes, laced boots, theology, Elizabethan music, and so on.

Giacomo Joyce

by James Joyce, with an Introduction and Notes by Richard Ellmann

A Special Supplement: The Trouble with Black Power

Black Power: The Politics of Liberation in America

by Stokely Carmichael and Charles V. Hamilton

Black Power and Urban Unrest

by Nathan Wright Jr.

Black Power/White Resistance: Notes on the New Civil War

by Fred Powledge

White Reflections on Black Power

by Charles E. Fager

The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual

by Harold Cruse

Poet of Unreason

Artaud Anthology

edited by Jack Hirschman

Bacon’s Magic

Francis Bacon: From Magic to Science

by Paolo Rossi, Translated from the Italian by Sacha Rabinovitch

That’s Life

The Origins of Life

by J.D. Bernal

The Black Ox

Forms of Discovery

by Yvor Winters

Teacher of Teachers

Lectures in the Philosophy of Education, 1899

by John Dewey, edited and with an Introduction by Reginald D. Archambault

Democracy and Education

by John Dewey

The Dewey School

by Katherine Camp Mayhew and Anna Camp Edwards

John Dewey as Educator: His Work in Education 1894-1904

by Arthur G. Wirth

John Dewey

by Richard J. Bernstein

Countess for a Democratic Society

Constance De Markievicz: In the Cause of Ireland

by Jacqueline Van Voris

The Rebel Countess: The Life and Times of Constance Markievicz

by Anne Marreco

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