
A Transit to Narcissus

Last Tango in Paris

directed by Bernardo Bertolucci

Rules of the Game

The Limits of Foreign Policy: The West, the League, and the Far Eastern Crisis of 1931-1933

by Christopher Thorne

Right About Face

Wellington: Pillar of State

by Elizabeth Longford

Inequality and Education

Inequality: A Reassessment of the Effect of Family and Schooling in America

by Christopher Jencks. and others

Class, Bureaucracy, and Schools

by Michael B. Katz

The Great School Legend: A Revisionist Interpretation of American Public Education

by Colin Greer

Education and the Rise of the Corporate State

by Joel H. Spring

Good Manners

Forum: Canadian Life and Letters, 1920-1970

edited by J.L. Granatstein, edited by Peter Stevens

Getting Solzhenitsyn Straight

Solzhenitsyn: A Biography

by David Burg and George Feifer

Surprise, Surprise

The World of Apples

by John Cheever

People Will Always Be Kind

by Wilfrid Sheed

Points for a Compass Rose

by Evan S. Connell Jr.

Crisis Critic

The Archaeology of Knowledge and The Discourse on Language

by Michel Foucault, translated by A.M. Sheridan Smith

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