
Two Years That Shook the World

The Bolsheviks Come to Power: The Revolution of 1917 in Petrograd

by Alexander Rabinowitch

The Russian Revolution: A Study in Mass Mobilization

by John L.H. Keep

Class Struggles in the USSR: First Period 1917-1923

by Charles Bettelheim, translated by Brian Pearce

The File on the Tsar

by Anthony Summers and Tom Mangold

The Secret Police in Lenin's Russia

by Lennard D. Gerson

Southern Discomfort


by Walker Percy

The Bloodiest Revolution

Cambodge, année zéro

by François Ponchaud

Was Gogol Gay?

The Sexual Labyrinth of Nikolai Gogol

by Simon Karlinsky

Dissatisfactions of Power

The Diaries of a Cabinet Minister, Volume I: Minister of Housing, 1964-1966

by Richard Crossman

The Diaries of a Cabinet Minister, Volume II: Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons, 1966-1968 (to be published in August, 1977, by Holt, Rinehart & Winston)

by Richard Crossman

The Revolt of Gershom Scholem

On Jews and Judaism in Crisis: Selected Essays

by Gershom Scholem, edited by Werner J. Dannhauser

Selling the Sun

Space Colonies

by T.A. Heppenheimer

The High Frontier: Human Colonies in Space

by Gerard O'Neill

Solar Energy and America's Future and Development Administration (ERDA) Commerce 5285 Port Royal Rd. Springfield, Virginia 22161

prepared by the Stanford Research Institute for the Energy Research

O’Keeffe’s Trail

Georgia O'Keeffe

by Georgia O'Keeffe

Frontstage Wife

The Letters of Virginia Woolf, Volume II: 1912-1922

edited by Nigel Nicolson, edited by Joanne Trautmann

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