
Monkey Business

Nim: A Chimpanzee Who Learned Sign Language

by Herbert S. Terrace

Speaking of Apes: A Critical Anthology of Two-Way Communication with Man

edited by Thomas A. Sebeok, edited by Donna Jean Umiker-Sebeok


Punitive Medicine

by Alexander Podrabinek, translated by Alexander Lehrman

Soviet Psychoprisons

by Harvey Fireside

Institute of Fools: Notes from the Serbsky

by Victor Nekipelov, edited and translated by Marco Carynnyk and Marta Horban

Stubborn Steinbeck

The Intricate Music: A Biography of John Steinbeck

by Thomas Kiernan

The Wayward Bus

by John Steinbeck

East of Eden

by John Steinbeck

Underqualified for the Job

The Image of the King: Charles I and Charles II

by Richard Ollard

Great Dane

My Theater Life (Mit Theaterliv: 1877)

by August Bournonville, translated and annotated by Patricia N. McAndrew

The King's Ballet Master: A Biography of Denmark's August Bournonville

by Walter Terry

Creating American Inequality

Who Gets Ahead? The Determinants of Economic Success in America

by Christopher Jencks and others

Rules and Racial Equality

by Edwin Dorn

Small Futures

by Richard H. de Lone

The Credential Society: An Historical Sociology of Education and Stratification

by Randall Collins

Current Population Reports, Series P-60 No. 120: Money Income and Poverty Status of Families and Persons in the United States

Bureau of the Census

Fierce Games

Selected Poems 1950-1975

by Thom Gunn

The Choices of Isaiah Berlin

Against the Current: Essays in the History of Ideas

by Isaiah Berlin

The Idea of Freedom: Essays in Honour of Isaiah Berlin

edited by Alan Ryan

The New Masters

The Intellectuals on the Road to Class Power

by George Konrád and Ivan Szelényi, translated by Andrew Arato and Richard E. Allen

The Future of Intellectuals and the Rise of the New Class

by Alvin W. Gouldner

Athenian Drama, Attic Salt

Word and Action: Essays on the Ancient Theater

by Bernard Knox

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