
Mocking the Immemorial

Rossetti and His Circle

by Max Beerbohm, a new edition with an introduction by N. John Hall

The Illustrated Zuleika Dobson, or an Oxford Love Story by

by Max Beerbohm, with 80 illustrations by the author and an introduction N. John Hall

The Case that Will not Close

The Lindbergh Case

by Jim Fisher

Fallen Creatures

Rock Springs: Stories

by Richard Ford

The Woman Who Broke Away

A Mind of Her Own: The Life of Karen Horney

by Susan Quinn

Final Lectures

by Karen Horney, edited by Douglas H. Ingram MD.

Ghost Story

“Toni Morrison is not just an important contemporary novelist but a major figure of our national literature. She has written a work that brings to the darkest corners of American experience the wisdom, and the courage, to know them as they are.”


by Toni Morrison

Undemocratic Vistas

The Closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today's Students

by Allan Bloom

The Best Man

A Life in Peace and War

by Brian Urquhart

The Emperor of China

The Berg–Schoenberg Correspondence: Selected Letters

edited by Juliane Brand, edited by Christopher Hailey, edited by Donald Harris

Schoenberg and His Circle: A Viennese Portrait

by Joan Allen Smith

The Labyrinth of Slavery

African Slavery in Latin America and the Caribbean

by Herbert S. Klein

Mutiny on the 'Amistad': The Saga of a Slave Revolt and Its Impact on American Abolition, Law, and Diplomacy

by Howard Jones

Is Nuclear Deterrence Moral?

Nuclear Deterrence, Morality and Realism

by John Finnis and Joseph M. Boyle Jr. and Germain Grisez

The Catholic Church in World Politics

by Eric O. Hanson

Economists at High Noon

Economics in Perspective: A Critical History

by John Kenneth Galbraith

Making It

The Making of the Atomic Bomb

by Richard Rhodes

What Henry Knew

The Complete Notebooks of Henry James

edited with introductions and notes by Leon Edel and Lyall H. Powers

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