
The Just Cause

Move Your Shadow: South Africa, Black and White

by Joseph Lelyveld

Southern Comfort

In Country

by Bobbie Ann Mason

The Accidental Tourist

by Anne Tyler

‘Guardian of the Grail’

Memoirs of a Confidant

edited by Henry Ashby Turner Jr., translated by Ruth Hein

City Lights

Cities and the Wealth of Nations: Principles of Economic Life

by Jane Jacobs

The Force of Habit

All Our Yesterdays

by Natalia Ginzburg, translated by Angus Davidson

Family Sayings

by Natalia Ginzburg, translated by D.M. Low

The Little Virtues

by Natalia Ginzburg, translated by Dick Davis

Body Building

Carlo, Rembrandt, Ettore, Jean Bugatti

by Philip Dejean, edited by Nadine Coleno and Uwe Hucke

The Amazing Bugattis

by Malcolm Haslam and Philippe Garner and Mary Harvey and Hugh Conway

A Cautionary Career

Hilaire Belloc

by A.N. Wilson

Balanchine Variations

Balanchine's Tchaikovsky: Interviews with George Balanchine

by Solomon Volkov, translated by Antonia W. Bouis

Balanchine: A Biography

by Bernard Taper

"But First a School": The First Fifty Years of the School of American Ballet

by Jennifer Dunning

Portrait of Mr. B.: Photographs of George Balanchine with an essay by Lincoln Kirstein

Balanchine's 'Mozartiana': The Making of a Masterpiece

by Robert Maiorano and Valerie Brooks

Dancing for Balanchine

by Merrill Ashley, with the assistance of Larry Kaplan, foreword by Clement Crisp

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Franklin’s Mint

A Little Revenge: Benjamin Franklin and His Son

by Willard Sterne Randall

A Conglomerate Country

The National Question in Yugoslavia

by Ivo Banac

Looking for Poetry in America

Twentieth Century Pleasures: Prose on Poetry

by Robert Hass

Local Assays: On Contemporary American Poetry

by Dave Smith

American Poetry and Culture, 1945–1980

by Robert von Hallberg

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