
Prima Donna

Sappho: Lyrics in the Original Greek with Translations

by Willis Barnstone

Sappho: Poems and Fragments

translated, with an Introduction and Guy Davenport

We Are All Murderers

The Condemned of Altona

by Jean-Paul Sartre

Eliot’s Achievement

To Criticize the Critic and Other Writings

by T.S. Eliot

The Century of Crisis

Crisis in Europe, 1560-1660

edited by Trevor Aston

The Revolution of the Saints

by Michael Walzer

The World We Have Lost

by Peter Laslett

Ultra Writer

“This is Lowry’s world, where the line between fact and fiction is impossible to find, the air is heavy with the memory of Faustus, Dante, Lazarus, Melville, Ishmael, Mexico, and mescal, and what hurts the eye is the smoke of hell.”

Selected Letters of Malcolm Lowry

edited by Harvey Breit, edited by Margerie Bonner Lowry

Under the Volcano

by Malcolm Lowry, Reissued with an Introduction by Stephen Spender

The Magic Christian

Agrippa and the Crisis of Renaissance Thought

by Charles G. Nauert Jr.

Renaissance and Revolution

by Joseph Anthony Mazzeo

Progressive Man

Science in History

by J.D. Bernal

Society and Science

edited by Maurice Goldsmith, edited by Alan Mackay

A Master Builder

Aesthetics and Technology in Building

by Pier Luigi Nervi

Tragic Comedians

The Comedians

by Graham Greene

The Roots of Hell

Russia and Germany, a Century of Conflict

by Walter Laqueur

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