
Axler’s Theater

The Humbling

by Philip Roth

Specters of a Chinese Master

Eccentric Visions: The Worlds of Luo Ping (1733–1799)

an exhibition at the Museum Rietberg, Zurich, April 9–July 12, 2009; and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, October 6, 2009– January 10, 2010

Yahweh Meets R. Crumb

The Book of Genesis

illustrated by R. Crumb

In Evin Prison

My Prison, My Home: One Woman's Story of Captivity in Iran

by Haleh Esfandiari

Nearly Anything Goes

Dancing in the Dark: A Cultural History of the Great Depression

by Morris Dickstein

Emerson: ‘A Few Inches from Calamity’

First We Read, Then We Write: Emerson on the Creative Process

by Robert D. Richardson

‘Who Do You Think You Are?’

Alice Munro’s voice can seem deceptively direct, but it expresses an elliptical and poetic sort of vernacular realism in which the ceaselessly analytic voice appears to be utterly natural, as if it were the reader’s own.

Too Much Happiness: Stories

by Alice Munro

The World Is in Overshoot

Paradise Found: Nature in America at the Time of Discovery

by Steve Nicholls

Light on the Dark Side

A Meaningful Life

by L.J. Davis, with an introduction by Jonathan Lethem

Nazis, Soviets, Poles, Jews

The Third Reich at War

by Richard J. Evans

The Holocaust in the Soviet Union

by Yitzhak Arad

Voices in the Heartland

A Gate at the Stairs

by Lorrie Moore

The Palestinian Poet Who Came Back

My Happiness Bears No Relation to Happiness: A Poet's Life in the Palestinian Century

by Adina Hoffman

Saving the Magic City

Florence 1900: The Quest for Arcadia

by Bernd Roeck, translated from the German by Stewart Spencer

Fighting over History

What Was History?: The Art of History in Early Modern Europe

by Anthony Grafton

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