Eccentric Visions: The Worlds of Luo Ping (1733–1799)
an exhibition at the Museum Rietberg, Zurich, April 9–July 12, 2009; and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, October 6, 2009– January 10, 2010
My Prison, My Home: One Woman's Story of Captivity in Iran
by Haleh Esfandiari
Dancing in the Dark: A Cultural History of the Great Depression
by Morris Dickstein
First We Read, Then We Write: Emerson on the Creative Process
by Robert D. Richardson
Too Much Happiness: Stories
by Alice Munro
Paradise Found: Nature in America at the Time of Discovery
by Steve Nicholls
A Meaningful Life
by L.J. Davis, with an introduction by Jonathan Lethem
The Third Reich at War
by Richard J. Evans
The Holocaust in the Soviet Union
by Yitzhak Arad
My Happiness Bears No Relation to Happiness: A Poet's Life in the Palestinian Century
by Adina Hoffman
Florence 1900: The Quest for Arcadia
by Bernd Roeck, translated from the German by Stewart Spencer
What Was History?: The Art of History in Early Modern Europe
by Anthony Grafton
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