
Table of Contents

February 1, 1963

February 1, 1963

James Baldwin and the “Man”

The Fire Next Time

by James Baldwin

To the Whitehouse

The Politics of Hope

by Arthur Schlesinger Jr.

House of the Dead?

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, translated by Max Hayward and Ronald Hingley

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, translated by Ralph Parker

Dejeuner sur l’Herbe

The Naked Lunch

by William S. Burroughs

Organization Kids

Education and the New America

by Solon T. Kimball and James McClellan Jr.

Russian Economic Development

Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective

by Alexander Gerschenkron

The Real National Income of Soviet Russia Since 1928

by Abram Bergson

Growth of Industrial Production in the Soviet Union

by G. Warren Nutter

Dimensions of Soviet Economic Power

by Joint Economic Committee

Adam as a Welshman


by David Jones

Sharing the Universe

With the advent of radioastronomy, the scope of investigations of outer space has been enormously widened as the strange music of incredibly remote spheres keeps pouring into steerable dishes and saucers of all kinds and sizes.

The Exploration of Outer Space

by A.C.B. Lovell

Albee Damned

Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?

by Edward Albee

Don’t Sing Your Crap

The Screens

by Jean Genet


Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters

by J.D. Salinger

Auden’s Prose

Maybe W.H. Auden was not a professional critic. Splendid: he is an amateur in the good sense of that sad word. He loves. He reports his love.

The Dyer's Hand

by W.H. Auden


The Partisan Review Anthology

edited by William Phillips, edited by Philip Rahv

Simone Weil

Selected Essays

by Simone Weil, translated by Richard Rees

Russian Sketches

Voices in the Snow

by Olga Carlisle

Anglo-Saxon Attitudes

The Origin of Races

by Carleton S. Coon


The Lordly Hudson: Collected Poems

by Paul Goodman


The Next Room of the Dream

by Howard Nemerov

Snapshots of a Daughter-In-Law

by Adrienne Rich

Long Live Man

by Gregory Corso

For Love

by Robert Creeley


Absent and Present

by Chester Kallman


The Centaur

by John Updike

I’d Rather Be Dwight

Against the American Grain

by Dwight Macdonald

The Deluge

The Production and Distribution of Knowledge in the United States

by Fritz Machlup

Sick Hix in Pix

Hold Me!

by Jules Feiffer

Moon Missing

by Edward Sorel

New Novels

Eternal Fire

by Calder Willingham

Occasion for Loving

by Nadine Gordimer


by John A. Williams

History on the Couch

Crowds and Power

by Elias Canetti

The Bomb

Children of the A-Bomb

compiled by Aràta Osada

New Novels

Of Streets and Stars

by Alan Marcus


The Ring Lardner Reader

edited by Maxwell Geismar


The Great Ascent

by Robert L. Heilbroner

Closing Time

The Familiar Faces

by David Garnett

Who’s in Charge?

The Deadlock of Democracy: Four Party Politics in America

by James MacGregor Burns

Punching Papa

That Summer in Paris

by Morley Callaghan

Dim Beginnings

The Eternal Present Vol. I: The Beginning of Art (The A.W. Mellon Lectures in Fine Arts, 1957)

by S. Giedion

à la Mode

Puzzles and Epiphanies

by Frank Kermode

New Editions

The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

by Edward Gibbon, edited by J.B. Bury

West End Story

The Urban Villagers: Group and Class in the Life of Italian-Americans

by Herbert J. Gans

New Editions

Slave and Citizen: The Negro in the Americas

by Frank Tannenbaum


Here to Stay: Studies in Human Tenacity

by John Hersey

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