Energy Future
edited by Robert Stobaugh, edited by Daniel Yergin
A Lion for Love: A Critical Biography of Stendhal
by Robert Alter, in collaboration with Carol Cosman
The Lawful Revolution: Louis Kossuth and the Hungarians, 1848-1849
by Istvan Deak
Spain: Dictatorship to Democracy
by Raymond Carr and Juan Pablo Fusi
The Letters of D.H. Lawrence Volume 1: September 1901-May 1913
edited by James T. Boulton
D.H. Lawrence's Nightmare: The Writer and His Circle in the Years of the Great War
by Paul Delany
Lives and Letters: A.R. Orage, Beatrice Hastings, Katherine Mansfield, John Middleton Murry, and S.S. Koteliansky, 1906-1957
by John Carswell
Thomas Merton: Monk and Poet
by George Woodcock
The Seven Storey Mountain
by Thomas Merton
Love and Living
by Thomas Merton, edited by Naomi Burton Stone and Patrick Hart
Secret Rendezvous
by Kobo Abe, translated by Juliet Winters Carpenter
The Language of the Night: Essays on Fantasy and Science Fiction
by Ursula K. LeGuin, edited and with introductions by Susan Wood
Fantastic Worlds: Myths, Tales and Stories
edited and with commentaries by Eric S. Rabkin
I, Rembrandt
by David Weiss
City of God: A Novel of the Borgias
by Cecelia Holland
Plato: The Written and Unwritten Doctrines
by J.N. Findlay
Plato and Platonism: An Introduction
by J.N. Findlay
Plato's Moral Theory: The Early and Middle Dialogues
by Terence Irwin
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