Voices of Protest: Huey Long, Father Coughlin, and The Great Depression
by Alan Brinkley
Indecent Exposure: A True Story of Hollywood and Wall Street
by David McClintick
The Penguin Book of Hebrew Verse
edited and translated by T. Carmi
The Coming Boom: Economic, Political, and Social
by Herman Kahn
The Imperious Economy
by David P. Calleo
Empires in the Balance: Japanese and Allied Pacific Strategies to April 1942
by H.P. Willmott
From Conquest to Collapse: European Empires from 1815 to 1960
by V.G. Kiernan
The Pattern of Imperialism: The United States, Great Britain, and the Late-Industrializing World Since 1815
by Tony Smith
War and Change in World Politics
by Robert Gilpin
Risk and Culture: An Essay on the Selection of Technical and Environmental Dangers
by Mary Douglas and Aaron Wildavsky
Acceptable Risk
by Baruch Fischhoff and Sarah Lichtenstein and Paul Slovic and Steven L. Derby and Ralph L. Keeney
Hundreds of Fireflies
by Brad Leithauser
Monolithos: Poems, 1962 and 1982
by Jack Gilbert
The Red Smith Reader
edited by Dave Anderson
To Absent Friends from Red Smith
by Red Smith
Late Innings: A Baseball Companion
by Roger Angell
When All Hell Broke Loose in Baseball
by Red Barber
The Questionnaire, or Prayer for a Town and a Friend
by Jirí Grusa, translated by Peter Kussi
Religion: If there is no God... On God, the Devil, Sin and other Worries of the so-called Philosophy of Religion
by Leszek Kolakowski
History of Classical Scholarship
by U. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, translated by Alan Harris, edited with an introduction and notes by Hugh Lloyd-Jones
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